Saturday, April 3, 2010

Attitude problems?

My current fb status..does others attitute bother me or mine bothers them??? was a question ive been contemplating for quite sometime. I really couldnt get any valid answers but some of them made me feel much better. Like the one which said..if people dont like your attitude they dont deserve to be around you. i liked this because it was always pointed out to me that i needed to compromise and change for the world, but how much and what is the limit was never told. But i guess this freedom of making choices about whom to be with and whom not also comes with its own set of risks. The risk of totally isolating oneself, the risk of letting go of people who truly care for you in pursuit of someone better. So after realising all this i decided to reconnect with people who were always there with me accepted my attitude, and were happy with it. This is dedicated to all my dear ones back home,missing you guys.


  1. Long Live Narcissism!! :P :P

    Lol.. but seriously, we often keep falling in the trap of trying to change ourselves to please others while ignoring to change ourselves to please our Maker!!

  2. maybe i went off on a tangent there!! apologies..
